Pediatric Social Skills Therapy

Discover a transformative approach to social communication at Garden State Speech Therapy.

Developing Social Skills

Our social skills therapy program is tailored to help individuals of all ages navigate social interactions with confidence.

Social Skills Therapy

Our multidisciplinary team of speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists are experienced in addressing social communication disorders. Key features of our program include:

  • Our skilled therapists conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify specific areas of challenge in social communication. This may include difficulties with nonverbal cues, understanding social norms, initiating and maintaining conversations, and more.

  • Based on the assessment, we collaborate with clients and their families to establish personalized, achievable goals. These goals target specific social skills that are essential for building meaningful relationships.

  • Our therapy sessions incorporate evidence-based techniques to address various aspects of social communication. This may involve role-playing, social scripts, video modeling, and interactive activities to practice and reinforce social skills in a supportive environment. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures effective and meaningful treatment.

  • Group sessions provide a structured and supportive setting for individuals to practice social skills in real-life scenarios. This format encourages peer interaction, collaboration, and the generalization of learned skills to diverse social contexts.

  • We actively involve parents and caregivers in the therapeutic process, providing guidance on how to reinforce social skills at home and in daily activities.

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